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- Employee Benefits
The Texas Employees Group Benefits Program (GPB) is the insurance program administered by the Employees Retirement Systems of Texas (ERS). ERS administers benefits for employees and retirees of state agencies, higher education institutions, and other groups.
2024 Plan Year Rates
New Employee Benefits Guide
Health Benefits
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas is the third-party administrator for HealthSelect™ of Texas and Consumer Directed HealthSelect™. Both plans include a $5,000 Basic Term Life policy and prescription drug coverage. Deductibles, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximums reset January 1st of each year. You will be required to select a primary care physician (PCP) and obtain a referral from you PCP to a specialist, as needed.
HealthSelect™ of Texas is available in all Texas counties, and you may enroll based on the county where you live or the county where you work. Levels of coverage for HealthSelect™ of Texas are:
- In-Network
- Out-of-Network
For in-depth information regarding eligibility, services that are covered and not covered, and how benefits are paid, you may refer to the Master Benefits Plan Document and Summary of Benefits and Coverages here.
Changing Your Primary Care Physician (PCP)
You can change your PCP by:
- Calling a BCBSTX Personal Health Assistant toll-free at 800-252-8039
- Logging into BlueAccess for Members
- Follow instructions for creating an account
- Go to “Doctors & Hospitals” tab
- Click “Change Primary Care Physician”
Consumer Directed HealthSelect
Consumer Directed HealthSelect™ is a high-deductible health plan paired with a Health Savings Account. Designation of a PCP is not required, but you will pay less money for health care if you receive services by an in-network provider.
You are responsible for paying the full cost of medical visits and prescriptions until you reach your annual individual or family deductible. Deductibles, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximums reset January 1st of each year.
For in-depth information regarding eligibility, services that are covered and not covered, and how benefits are paid, you may refer to the Master Benefits Plan Document and Summary of Benefits and Coverages here.
Optional Benefits
COBRA stands for Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985. It allows you and your dependents to keep your health, dental, and vision coverage under the Group Benefits Program (GBP) for a certain period of time after you leave employment. This is called "COBRA continuation coverage."
If you choose COBRA continuation coverage, you will pay the full cost of your premium(s), plus a 2% administration charge.
COBRA continuation coverage is limited to the benefits you have when you leave employment. For example, if you wish to continue your health coverage after you leave state employment, you have to be enrolled in a state health plan on your last day on the payroll.
After you leave employment, ERS will send you a COBRA Notification, election form and instructions for paying your premiums. Read the notice carefully and call ERS if you have questions.
Each benefit listed on the website includes a COBRA section in the plan details. Review these benefits to find out about the options available to you.
Changing Your Benefits
Qualifying Life Event
Experiencing a qualifying life event gives you the opportunity to add or change coverage for yourself or your dependents. You have 31 days from the date of the following QLEs to make benefit changes, and they must be consistent with the QLE:
- Marriage
- Birth of a child
- Employment changes
- Divorce
- Insurance eligibility changes
Please note: changes made as a result of a Qualifying Life Event that occurs between June 14, 2024 and September 1, 2024 will have to be done via one of the following methods:
- By calling ERS at 877.275.4377
- Completing a Benefits Election Form and returning to your Benefits Coordinator at hr.esc@ttu.edu
- If you are enrolling children, one Dependent Child Certification Form per child will also need to be completed
Year-round Enrollment
You can begin, change, or stop contributions to a Texa$aver 457 Plan and/or Tax Deferred 403(b) Plan at any time during the year.
Click here for retirement information.
- Consumer Directed Fact Sheet
- HDHP Fact Sheet
- Health Select Resources
- Delta Dental
- EyeMed Vision
- TexFlex
- TexFlex Eligible Expenses
- TexFlex Contribution Worksheet
Employee Service Center
Phone: 806-742-3851
Employees Retirement System of Texas (ERS)
Phone: 877-275-4377
Health Select of Texas (BCBS)
Phone: 800-252-8039